Friday, April 24, 2009
Such an Idiot!
I just got bang at my head by the idiot-est man ever living in this entire universe! And that's my landlord! He's just so brainless! How can a room with attached bathroom (shared with another girl, though) and another room half the size without attached bathroom same rental??? His brain got eaten by some monsters or what? OMG! This is so unbelievable! F**king idiot! URGGHH!! Somebody gets me some liquor please!!! Just joking....Hehe! Btw, my alcohol tolerance has dropped! Is that good or bad?
Anyways, I'm back in Ipoh now! It's going to be relaxing 2 weeks break for me! Just going to slack at home most of the time plus spending quality time with family and friends! Take care everyone!
I miss subang but I'm so glad to be home, finally!
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