Drink Margaritas in Sins

Watch out honey, step back

My photo
Life should be simple. I'm not saying it's a piece of cake. You're in a haze. It's just a phase. You know this maze is as simple as it seems.


等待着。期待着。 日夜颠倒。虽然心里清楚的知道。




我,会想要面对,解决。 而他,喜欢选择逃避。


亲爱的,不想再吵架了。哭 也哭到累了。





但,我愿意, 为了他,什么都愿意试。


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Saturday Night!

After kena ffk, we had some drinks at home! Haha! Whisky!

And then whenever I feel down or angry, I'll have ice cream! This time, chocolate mint with whipped cream! ORGASMIC!

My new room btw! I love it a lot! I've tried my best to decorate it!

Brown wall. White window frame. Red curtain. Turquoise full size bed!

My box frame was left by the previous tenant. I took it and covered the ugly color with awesome gold paper!

Colorful lamp. Closet. Drawers.

Table. Chair. Drawer. Notice board. Box fan.

My painted wooden floor sucks. The paint always stick to my feet!
So bought 4 rugs in total.

I love this Twister rug of mine!

And of course a full length mirror!

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Bought a curler from CVS for only 3 bucks! I'm one happy kid!

And I gotta say, I love the result!

Gosh! Like finally I can tame my mane.

Blur pic rocks sometimes!

My uncontrollably long growing frizzy locks!

Now I know what to do with it!

My hair looks like Korean!

And I adore it!

But it's only temporary!

Temporary love..............

Ain't that bad huh?

Was supposed to go out actually.

That's why make up and all.

Kena ffk again cuz it was raining. Oh well! I love my curled hair!!!!

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I'm a great cook!

Alicia and I have been cooking a lot lately! Daryl.............helps once in a while!

Fried noodle!

Homemade crispy and healthy chicken nuggets!

Ok, didn't cook this. It's miso soup that I adore lots!

Went to a Japanese restaurant!

Sushi! Yum Yum Yum!

Red bean and Green tea ice cream!

We didn't have a dining table YET. We have one now though. That was how we had our first dinner.

Fried noodle with fried egg and yummy marinated chicken!

See! Our table! Covered with a pretty yellow Dollar Tree plastic cover!

Cabbage with bacon!


ABC Soup which took almost 4 hours to cook! But it's lovely..... Feels like home!

Salmon steak!

Elbow with Creamy Carbonara sauce!

Had porridge! Salted egg!!!
Century old egg! Yum yum yum!

Preserved bean curd aka FU YU!

Preserved pickle!

Caramel popcorn! Bought those microwave popcorn and add caramel myself! Gosh! This is awesome!!!!

Baked peanut butter cookie. Kinda fail...... But it tastes ok! Trigger the fire alarm again! Haha!

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101 Englewood Avenue

Last night staying at Goodyear. We decided to bake cookies!

There's too much batter, so we have to bake a few trays.

Hence, lots of smoke started to come out from the oven.
Hence, the fire alarm was triggered.

Hence, fire trucks and police cars paid us a visit.
Hence, everybody staying at Goodyear gonna come out from their comfy rooms.
Hence, we are happy that we created a scene right before we left! Haha!
Shhhh........ nobody knows it was us!

I just love this board! It's created for me! Cuz on the first day here, I went to the right when my room is at East!

Finally the long waited day has came! Time to move into our new place, 101 Englewood Avenue!

Rented a car. Daryl drove. He's very pro. No problem with the left hand side driver seat!

It's a very cool car! With lots of function! Best part is, there's moon roof!

Check out our new place! A white house! It's a bit run down n dirty, but it's acceptable........

Went around with the car and bought lots of stuff! Glad that it's done! Long and tiring but fun day! Time to settle down!

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