Drink Margaritas in Sins

Watch out honey, step back

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Life should be simple. I'm not saying it's a piece of cake. You're in a haze. It's just a phase. You know this maze is as simple as it seems.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Will remember this day forever.

I was just about to leave college after I've finished class for that day. Then I bumped into Vanessa and she asked me to accompany her for lunch. So I did. She was going to have Music paper later in the afternoon, she did her revision in the AUP office after lunch. I saw her studying, it's just afternoon, still early, so I changed my mind and stayed to do some revision too, sat down next to Vanessa.

And then her Music classmate, a fair Middle-eastern-malay-confusing-guy sat next to her, studying Music too. Caught my attention, cuz I've never seen him before.

When he's some sort of taking a break from studying, he picked up my file and found my name on my timetable. That's how Khidir and I met, on 10-9-08. 1 year has passed now.

How fate arrange everything for us. Only if I did not bump into Vanessa. Only if I did not change my mind. Only if Khidir wasn't in the mood to study (he's not very studious!!!) Only if.......

I will remember you forever. Always in my heart.


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